Ecuador's Volcanoes

Ecuador's Avenue of the Volcanoes has several active and dormant volcanoes.   

The Cotopaxi, 5,897 m (19,347 ft) high, is one of the world's highest active volcanoes; it is located at only a 1-1/2 hour drive from Quito and, when it is clear, offers magnificent views of its perfectly shaped and snow-covered peak and slopes.

The Chimborazo, at  6,310 m (20,702 ft), is the highest mountain in Ecuador, and also the world's most distant point from the center of the Earth.

The Cayambe is the only volcano that crosses the Equator.

The Tungurahua, with the town of Baños at its foot, has frequent eruptions which make it the country's most active volcano.

This map shows the location and height of the highest and most important ones.